Thursday, 2 October 2014

How clean is your bathroom?

Poor bathroom hygiene can present a health risk to the entire household. When not cleaned properly and often, a dirty bathroom becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and germs that spread illness through the house.

Following some basic hygiene rules can prevent germs from spreading. It involves keeping surfaces clean and dry and removing possible 'breeding grounds' for germs. The regimen is not just healthy; it's considerate to all family members. The dirt and germs you leave behind can linger and spread illness to other family members.

Personal Hygiene
 Teeth Brushing
Overall bathroom cleanliness begins when you clean yourself. Replace your toothbrushes every three months. Don't let your toothbrush hang in the holder with other family members as germs can easily spread this way. And never share a toothbrush with anyone. That's the quickest way to spread infections.
Wash your hands thoroughly each time you use the bathroom. Germs spread quickly by touch. Instruct all family members to wash their hands with warm, soapy water after using the toilet. Educate young children early about the importance of toilet hygiene.
 Drying off
Use disposable towels to dry your hands instead of a cloth towel that everyone would use. By using disposables, you'll be throwing away germs instead of spreading them. Communal towels contain bacteria and viruses that cause illness.
Bath towels should be changed and washed regularly. Hang them up to dry after use; the longer they remain wet, the more germs will collect on the towel. Try using bamboo blended towels which are not only anti bacterial and anti-fungal, but are soft and luxurious as well. And most importantly, environmentally totally sustainable.


All bathroom surfaces should be cleaned regularly. These include the door handle, faucets, toilet, sink, floor and shower/bathtub.

Shake water from the curtain after showering to prevent buildup of mould and mildew. Always leave the curtain open so water evaporates. Clean the curtain liner once a month.

Occasionally remove your showerheads and soak them overnight in vinegar or a commercial cleanser. This removes the build-up and dirt that clogs the head and contaminates the shower water.

Be especially careful when cleaning the toilet, especially if a family member is sick. All toilet parts should be cleaned regularly including the seat, rim, lid, bowl and flushing handle. Always wipe the toilet seat with tissue before and after using.

Author: Laura Toursoulopoulos

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