Thursday, 1 May 2014

'Tis the Season... to be married

It’s now May. I personally have 2 wedding invites this month and know of many more for which I haven’t made the list. By June the UK Summer Wedding season will be in full swing and every hair salon will be operating at half capacity on Saturdays as all the stylists will be at weddings and every beauty salon will be seeing off lively bridal parties painted and glossed in pretty French manicures.
 So as a dutiful guest, how do you purchase an appropriate gift which the bridal couple will appreciate, not get 10 duplicates of and most importantly won’t break your bank account, especially considering the 6 weddings you may have been invited to in any given summer season.
Many couple these days offer wedding lists, which of course gives guidance as to what they would like and need. Some people however feel embarrassed about being so forthright with gift requests, or it’s a relatively small list and it’s all gone by the time you get to look at it, or even worse, only the £200 Crystal vase is remaining. You may or may not fin the gift list helpful.
Another option is to group together with several friends of the bridal couple and to purchase something of a higher value that each of you individually would not have been able to purchase. The down side is that you may feel that the couple will not identify any one particular gift with yourself and you’ll get lost in the group effect. You will also all need to contribute roughly the same amount and some can comfortably afford more than others.
So if neither of the above have solved your gift giving dilemma, and you are left to make your own choice, remember to be mindful of their situation in life. Have they been living together for several years, in which case they will have most household items that they need.  The next consideration is what type of people they are? Perhaps they are particularly environmentally aware, or have exotic or eclectic tastes. And lastly, the gift will hopefully be around for longer than your average birthday treat of flowers and chocolates.
With these factors in mind, I come back time and time again to home linens, towels and blankets. And to ensure they are appreciated by all, I want them to be luxurious, yet not cost a fortune and for the eco-friends, I’ve chosen Bamboo products which ensure they are environmentally sustainable and made from organically grown bamboo.

If you are looking for the perfect wedding gift, have a browse of these bamboo products including linens, blankets and towels at   The colours are classic and will work with almost every home.

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