Thursday, 24 October 2013

Why Bamboo for Blankets...

Many of us are concerned about what is happening to our environment with all the new technologies being introduced every day, and yet we feel helpless to do anything.  If you want to make a difference, making little changes every day is key to changing the big things in life.  So that rather than feeling overwhelmed with trying to change the world, you can feel like you’re making a difference every day.

So instead of donating hundreds of pounds to non-profit, you can do things like purchase a bamboo blanket, or bamboo sheets, and feel like every time you use them, that you’re making a difference to the environment.

Lots of people ask, “Why bamboo?  What’s so special about it?  Why is it better than cotton?”  we can answer these questions.

First off, did you know that bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants in the world?  A quick research has shown that bamboo is the fastest growing plants on earth.
Because bamboo grows so quickly, it’s easy to replace when you harvest it.  Unlike cryptobiotic soil, which literally takes hundreds of years to grow only a single inch, bamboo will grow 39 inches in just 24 hours.  So you don’t have to worry about being greedy when you buy stuff made with bamboo fabrics.  Because by the time the bamboo product reaches your house, you can bet that the stalk from which your product was made has already regrown itself three times over.
Bamboo can also be found in multiple climates, so that you don’t have to worry that producers could wipe out an entire forest overnight in the rush to create enough for consumers.  Bamboo is most commonly found in eastern Asia down through Australia.
Now you probably feel great about bamboo as a natural resource, right?  But you’re probably still wondering, “Why on earth would I want to purchase bamboo sheets or bamboo blankets ?”  Well, you might think that bamboo seems like a hard plant when you touch it.  You can knock on it all you want and not even leave a mark.  However, think about when running your fingers gently over a bamboo stalk – does it still feel hard?  No it does not.  That is because the bamboo fibers themselves are very soft, and thus make great bamboo sheets and bamboo blankets.  And once you’ve experienced a bamboo blanketyou’ll know what all the fuss is about.

So now you just need to know where you can buy these sorts of products.  The best place to buy bamboo sheets and bamboo blankets today is on line – department stores don’t really carry them. offers bamboo bedding, bamboo blankets and bamboo towels.   We hope you enjoy your bamboo blankets this Winter.

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